Above are images of the bustled butt button. It turns out that my moh told K that she was concerned about not being able to find the bustle and told her that she thought the snap would come undone. So, rather than K calling me to see what I wanted -- she did my bustle the way my moh told her to! When K saw the disappointment on my face (moh was in the other room) she immediatly knew she had goofed and apologized for not calling me first. When I mentioned it to moh her response was that she thought that it didn't really matter as long as she could see the button easily to bustle -- I mentioned that I had three other bridesmaids to help and one of them put the bustle on my dress, she then said that she thought a snap bustle would come undone. I dropped it with her at that point. However, this morning after thinking about it I called K and told her that I want to redo the bustle, the way I originally planned. The only problem is that the fabric is so thin and is fragile where the original bustle button and loop were sewn, that we won't even be able to take the original thread out without leaving a decent sized hole.
So, K thinks she can leave the thread in and create the new bustle over the original. I'm not even going to tell moh -- I'm just going to have K bustle it for me on my wedding day. K is very apologetic for not calling me about the changes. I still can't believe that my moh thought that she had the right to make changes to MY wedding dress!
I am still very upset about this; I love my moh dearly, but I can't understand why she would do this. She didn't even call me and tell me that she had made the changes, and K didn't think to call me and tell me moh had asked her to make changes. And, no she is not blind and she sees perfectly well with her contacts, and I have three other bridesmaids that can help, and my dress only has one bustle!!!!
Okay, vent is done. I'll write more later.
whoa, that is going waaaay overboard! it's not HER dress, it's YOUR dress...
you are way cool with this situation. this close to D-day, and my MOH would have probably been cussed out. seriously.
i'm mad for you. (seriously, fuming over here!) that was completely unfair and way outside of bounds on her part.
i am soooo happy that you're getting it redone. the butt bustle really does nothing for your dress. it doesn't compliment the silhouette at all imo.
glad the fitting went well! what a relief!
Yes, I agree w/above, you are definitely taking it a lot better than I would have! Thank goodness there is a way to fix it! I would say just keep your MOH in the dark about everything from on so she can't mess anything else up. I still can't believe she thought that was appropriate!
Way to keep your cool and remember that your relationship with your MOH is important. If she has any problems, gently explain to her why you wanted to switch the bustle. It might also help to have the other Bmaids on hand, ready to swoop in and reassure MOH that it would not be a big deal to put the bustle up.
What a very strange thing to do! I guess right now you just have to do what you need to do to get it fixed and try to forget about it as you have enough to worry about. I'm sure it'll work out perfectly in the end.
Oh, and from what you've shown us your dress looks beautiful!
I still haven't said anything to her. I talked to fh right now, and he is convinced that since she has gotten prego (she is at 4 months now) she has become completly selfish, and no matter what I say it won't change anything. So, FOR NOW I am just going to try to fix it (I'll be posting about that) and not say anything. My other bm's have "got my back" if she pulls anything else.
ouch! i'm so sorry that happened. but you're doing the right thing getting rid of the butt button...
the dress is gorgeous!
I would be so pissed off. I do not think that I would be able to contact my emotions or my mouth.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my page and leaving a comment. I have scoured the earth (ok. just oc/ie/la/south bay) for the perfect venue. I think i may have found one, except they wont let us reserve til 1 yr out (Rancho santa margarita Bell Tower). I haven't gotten through your whole blog yet, Work's been nuts, but i look forward to... and i'm going to add you to my bloglist so i can keep up with you as your day gets CLOSER AND CLOSER! :)
Oh, too funny! A third party should have no trouble finding a very small button or clear snap. Unless you're going to bustle yourself, there's no way you need something this big! Although I have to say that my MOH has a very funny photo of me at my final fitting trying (with both hands) to find my teeny, weeny bustle point. You can imagine, I'm sure.
hi-it was wrong for her to change it from your wishes.....BUT no one will see the button.It's not a big deal. No one will be looking for it or notice it. You can see it in the pics b/c we are zeroing in on it. No one will be looking at it on your big day. They will be only seeing how pretty and happy you look.
There are so many important things to think about and I don't think this is one of them.
The back of your dress is lovely either way.
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